On a board I post on we were asked to describe an orgasm...in our own words. This was the best I could come up with.
Deep in the darkest quiet of my soul
there is a stirring...
a hum of sound that is not sound...
a wave of light,
of fire
that burns without consuming...
the ocean of my soul parts
and lets in the wet of you.
our waters merge into the oneness of desire...
where the bonds of flesh slough off
and all that is we becomes a torus.
A symbol of eternity.
Eon moments of unity...
of wet...
of flame.
Until we slowly come back to ourselves.
Separate yet bound
on a level of the soul
that hums the sound of us
as it quietly waits to stir
once more.
that's the best I can do to describe the indescribable.
Deep in the darkest quiet of my soul
there is a stirring...
a hum of sound that is not sound...
a wave of light,
of fire
that burns without consuming...
the ocean of my soul parts
and lets in the wet of you.
our waters merge into the oneness of desire...
where the bonds of flesh slough off
and all that is we becomes a torus.
A symbol of eternity.
Eon moments of unity...
of wet...
of flame.
Until we slowly come back to ourselves.
Separate yet bound
on a level of the soul
that hums the sound of us
as it quietly waits to stir
once more.
that's the best I can do to describe the indescribable.
I'd say you did a pretty darn good job with the description!